AOC i2757Fm review


Teste de Culoare

Modelul LED utilizeaza tehnologia de display IPS, care are capacitatea de a reda un contrast puternic, precum si o luminozitate de 250 cd/m². 


 Test Tolerance Measured Status
 Average ∆E, all patches  2   0.78  Excelent
 Average ∆E of the lowest 90%  –   0.50  –
 Average ∆E of the highest 10%  –   3.86  –
 Maximum ∆E, all patches  12   6.52  Excelent

Ambele teste au dat rezultate excelente.

 IndexR G BL* a* b*L* a* b*DeltaE(76)
1  116.54   81.87   68.93   38.26   14.01   14.80   38.17   13.43   14.85 0.59
2  218.08  121.34   52.30   61.47   34.23   57.07   61.14   34.30   57.84 0.84
3   49.73   59.30  148.38   28.84   19.33  -53.57   28.43   19.56  -53.87 0.56
4  246.35  243.19  237.35   96.14   0.33   3.17   96.34   0.25   3.36 0.29
5  197.20  149.19  130.88   66.57   16.34   17.44   66.28   16.45   17.60 0.35
6   71.06   90.67  162.45   40.27   8.74  -43.42   40.36   8.64  -43.61 0.23
7   63.92  147.13   75.27   54.67  -38.61   33.61   54.52  -38.56   34.33 0.74
8  199.80  200.02  199.12   81.09   -0.19   0.39   80.77   -0.00   0.53 0.40
9   91.96  120.58  154.10   50.04   -4.14  -22.50   50.09   -4.28  -22.34 0.22
10  199.75   85.09   98.93   52.16   47.09   15.87   52.07   46.86   16.12 0.35
11  178.59   43.98   58.53   41.17   55.03   26.92   41.14   54.75   28.09 1.20
12  158.29  158.39  158.62   65.89   0.00   -0.17   65.85   -0.27   -0.31 0.31
13   90.28  108.07   69.26   43.36  -12.73   21.77   43.16  -13.45   21.98 0.78
14   91.06   60.42  102.79   30.25   20.57  -21.25   29.88   20.64  -21.39 0.40
15  234.42  195.86   54.88   80.81   3.99   77.69   80.64   4.44   78.54 0.97
16  119.58  121.03  120.47   51.12   -0.63   0.09   50.98   -0.55   0.58 0.52
17  130.80  126.09  171.69   55.37   9.08  -24.46   55.16   9.07  -24.92 0.50
18  154.62  184.78   74.89   71.28  -22.27   56.11   70.99  -21.94   56.39 0.52
19  191.21   80.54  144.38   51.38   49.64  -14.10   51.03   49.71  -13.99 0.37
20   83.30   84.61   84.56   35.65   -0.55   -0.20   35.28   -0.82   -0.27 0.47
21   88.99  186.60  167.43   69.90  -33.17   0.72   69.65  -33.20   0.48 0.35
22  227.93  158.71   57.84   71.22   19.54   65.63   70.99   19.60   66.35 0.77
23   0.00  130.51  161.32   49.56  -28.23  -27.75   50.67  -22.40  -25.05 6.52
24   53.80   54.00   54.77   21.30   0.04   -0.60   21.21   -0.17   -0.12 0.53


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